Is it Wednesday again already? Gee, whiz...time flies when you're flat on your back staring at the ceiling because there's nothing good on t.v. all day...
So, I decided to write about all the jobs I've had. I've changed "careers" so many times and I don't really know why. I don't know if I get bored, or catch a whim, or haven't found my true passion yet. Oprah always talks about doing what you love... then it's not a "job" it becomes getting paid to live out your dream. I'm still not sure what that is. Maybe I'll figure it out when I grow up!
My first job in High School was at the Atlanta Braves Front Office (I've already blogged a little about that). Then in my early 20's I was the Assistant Manager at the 5-7-9 shop at Southlake Mall. I then went on to be a Dental Assistant for 3 years. I was good at it, but I just got tired and grossed out looking in people's mouths. I completely switched gears and worked as a Chem Tech (chemical technician -- applied hair color, did perms, etc.) at Hair Fitness Center in Riverdale and then on to Permanent Solutions in Riverdale and Fayetteville. That's when my back problems started. I guess being on my feet 8-10 hours a day and leaning over shampoo bowls wore my back out! In the evenings I was attending The Art Institue of Atlanta majoring in Interior Design. Sidenote: my sister paid for my college! Isn't that awesome?! She knew I had always been interested in Interior Design and she signed me up and paid for it and then called me and said, "Guess what? You start class on Thursday!" After College, I went on to work at the new Expo Design Center near Perimeter Mall. After working there almost a year, I grew tired of the hour commute to work and then another hour home. Zack was young and I felt like I was missing out on so much. Then my good friend, Tanya, told me about an opening at the church (FBC/J) and I applied, interviewed and got the job as Publications Director. I worked at the church for 4 years then went on to be Administrative Assistant at South Metro Baptist Association for a year before moving to Alabama. Once here, I did desktop publishing and graphic design from home. I also worked part time with a friend doing inventories. His company is called Asset Verification and we would inventory churches, businesses, homes, for insurance purposes. I also worked part time at my Chiropractor's convenient was that?! I was doing flyers and marketing materials for a Realtor friend who suggested I take the real estate course. So, I did and got my license and have been in real estate for 3 years now. In the Spring I took the Broker's course and examination and got my Broker's license too. I enjoy real estate, when I busy! I love listing homes, showing homes, working with buyers and sellers, but I hate the "cold calling" aspect of procuring business. Plus, the market is very unpredictable ---it's hot and cold and you just have to go with the flow! Here lately, I've been spending all my time at the school working on Band Booster things. I'm finding that I love to be involved in things that are important to my child.
Is Real Estate my passion? Hmmmm...some days it is...some days I hate it. I guess that's true with any job. I just don't want to look back on my life in 20 years and say I just "worked" and I didn't live out my dreams or my passion. What is that, you say? I'm not real sure. I love children. I've always wanted to adopt. I think I would be a happy mama just staying home and raising kids! But then the flip side of that is that I enjoy our "freedom" and just don't know that I could start over again with raising little ones. Right now I'm just clinging to the few years we have left with Zack at home. Then we'd like to head to the beach, somewhere on the west side of Florida and both sell real estate.
So, there's my "work history" in a nutshell and probably not in order --- but you can see that I've "tinkered" in alot of things and haven't really "settled in" to any of them! I know some people that have been in the same job for 20 years and I admire that, but can't envision that for myself. Call it restless, dissatisfied, an adventurer, or just need decide!