The Sweetest Sound...

is one I long to hear just one more time.

Isn't it sad how much we take for granted? Ever since my father passed away a short 3 1/2 months ago, Sundays have been the hardest days for me. I have learned after numerous Sundays of slipping out to the bathroom to get tissue, to keep a pack in my purse! There is always some song or passage of scripture that reminds me of my Dad.

This morning one of the hymns we sang was "Living for Jesus". I immediately was transported in my mind to hearing and seeing my Dad sing that hymn. My Dad was a Music Minister's "dream member" of the congregation. He sang with such enthusiasm and passion, always with a smile on his face and sometimes looking upwards with such intent that it made me wonder what he was seeing or envisioning. He, by no means, was a soloist, but he could certainly carry a tune. But more than that, was the music that radiated from his heart and his countenance.

Even after his stroke and the dementia that robbed him of the man he once was, it did not steal his joy of singing the hymns. He got to the place where he was unable to stand, but he would sit in the pew, rock back and forth, and sing those songs with the same passion that he always had. Even though he might miss a line or two, I believe it was the sweetest sound the angels carried up to heaven to his Heavenly Father.

I miss that sound, but I know the singing has not stopped, for he is in heaven now, worshipping and praising His father, and remembering every line. I love you, Dad, and miss you so much.

4 sweet friends had to say...:

Dianne said...

I have no doubt that it is hard Tracey, yet I am SOOO glad that you have these memories of your dad. What a great spiritual heritage...everyone should be so lucky. There isn't a Sunday that passes that I don't think about you and say a prayer for you...I hope you know that. I was thinking about you this morning as I was driving to church and that it would be 4 months this next week. Hard to believe in some ways, but in others, I know it seems like an eternity already. Even though this much time has passed, I hope you know you are still being remembered...and as always, thanks for sharing your thoughts and your heart about your dad. Good ol' Sponge Bob! :-) (and I DEFINITELY say that with love!) What a sweet guy!

Jean said...

You make me cry, Tracey. You had a wonderful dad, and your description of him reminded me so much of my dear dad. He's 84 and I can't even begin to think of him leaving us. Here's a hug for you, my dear - (( )).

Justabeachkat said...

What sweet memories you have. I too look upwards alot when I'm singing in church. There's a wonderful window high above the pulpit. I look out the window and feel I can almost see God and I KNOW he can see me. I'm not a good singer, but I love to sing and I'm touched to tears most Sundays by words in the songs. Hold on to your memories, even though they make you sad.

chrome dome said...

What a privilege to know your Dad for the short time I did. He was "man of God" in every sense of the word. You have SO much of him in you. Such conviction and honesty is hard to find these days. Your Dad left a tremendous legacy. I love you.

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