I love animals. Really, I do! I have three cats and a dog! But I'm about ready to make my neighbor's dog disappear. We have leash laws here, but apparently the neighbors don't think it applies to them.
They just open up their front door and let their dog, Booger, [yes, you read correctly] run free outside anytime they are home. Booger likes to dig in my yard. Booger likes to poop on my driveway. Booger likes to pee all over our yard to "mark" it--which in turn, makes my puppy dig his heels in and refuse to leave the driveway--which in turn, forces us to walk across the street and down a few houses to an empty lot for him to do his "business".
Neighbors are nice people and hubby doesn't want to say anything to them about it because he's afraid it would make them mad. What??? I have no doubt they would say something to us if the 'poop' were on the other foot!
What would you do?
But wait, there's more. God smiled down on me this morning. While hubby was outside with our ever-so-precious puppy a few minutes ago, Mr. Neighbor asked Gary if they could give us a key to check on their dog while they are out of town the next 10 days.
Of course we will!
[Note: no animals were hurt during this posting!]
8 sweet friends had to say...:
Hey, hey, hey!!!!! I'm so sorry I did not check your blog the past three days! Okay, now I'll go read the other two new posts.
I LOVE the family picture on the side!
Could you have a fence put up around their property (and bill them of course) while they're gone?
I can't believe people would go away for 10 days and leave a dog in the house.
Is this the same neighbor who dumped all the dirt on your property?
And I love the family picture too! Gary's smiling!
yes, SAME neighbor!!! Yeah, I can't believe they would leave the dog running free in the house either! We always board our puppy when we go somewhere that we can't take him!
Thanks for the compliment on the picture! Gary's teeth do look good!
Hey Tracey: To answer your question about the glasses on my DR table being Fostoria, I don't know b/c we bought them at auction a while back....they are really pretty and delicate. Also, I got the starfish plates at T.J. Maxx more than a month ago. I used to see them a lot in T.J. Maxx and sometimes at Ross but I have not seen them the last few times I've been there (and I go there A LOT!). You might check at Home Goods in B'ham (I've seen them there too) and Marshalls.
Good luck!
I would definitely talk to them although I did the cowardly thing with our new neighbor and left a note on their door about their dog barking for hours at a time (while the owners were home).
She wasn't happy about the note, but the dogs finally shut up!
I would definitely have to say something. If it makes 'em mad, it makes 'em mad.
I think the Humane Society may be quite interested to know that they had left their dog at home...inside...for 10 days!
You could always call the police and complain...they do not tell the complainant if you ask them not to.
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