
Please just sit down and pass the corn!

Yesterday, after a full day of working to get the house back in order, I laid down to take a quick nap before deciding what to do for dinner. When I awoke, the Iowa Caucuses (or is it "Cauci"?) were in full swing. As I've said before, I'm not much into politics, but what I was witnessing on tv certainly caught my attention.

Now let me preface my observations by saying that I mean no disrespect to Iowans. I mean, come on, a state that grows corn could not be all bad, right? It should be a food group unto itself. Silver Queen corn, whole kernel corn, creamed corn, corn fritters, corn nuggets, corn on the cob...and don't even get me started on popcorn, candy corn, and not to leave our native American friends out, Indian corn! But, I feel those corn-growing Iowans have been wandering in the corn fields too long, along with their children...which would make them children of the corn.

Bada-bing! I'll be here all week, people! Try the veal!

I digress.

So here are my observations of the Iowa Caucuses. It was like watching a grown-up political version of "duck, duck, goose". The Democrats all gathered in a big room, went to their respective corners for the candidate they were supporting, and started counting off. The head "duck" gets up on a chair, tells people to raise their hands, and when he points, holler out your number and put your hand down. Well, that didn't work. Okay, let's all raise our hands, start counting off, but each individual duck points to another duck to say their number. Oh shoot! That didn't work either! Let's all waddle out into the hallway and come in one by one and say our number as we enter the room. Oh no! We lost some! Where did they go?

Here's where they went...

You see, if said group doesn't have something like 15% for their respective candidate, they have to disband and choose another candidate.

Now it becomes "Red Rover, Red Rover, send Biden's group right over!" Oh my word! The pressure of standing in the middle of the room deciding which corner to run to. This was the most hysterical thing I've ever seen in the world of politics.

And to think the Democrats were criticizing Florida for the hanging chads episode.

Did you see the Republicans? Nice, orderly fashion---mark a ballot, have a little church, now let's all go eat!

God Bless America.

19 sweet friends had to say...:

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Isn't this a Great country? Where else could you play rover-red-rover to choose a president.

Anonymous said...

I didn't watch. Now I wish I had. Sounds like fun!

BTW - your blog still doesn't work on Firefox. I can only read it if I switch to Internet Explorer. I love the new look!

Tracey said...

Don't know what to tell ya about Mozilla Firefox?!?! I just use the regular updated version of blogger--not sure what else I can do!

Justabeachkat said...

Too funny!


Jean said...

You are too, too funny, girl!! I didn't watch till it was all over.

Don't worry about the Firefox thing. It's not that much trouble to switch over to Internet Explorer to see yours. It is weird, though, that yours is the only one that doesn't show up right on Firefox. I guess Firefox just doesn't like you. Maybe it's a Democratic browser. Just kidding!

Tropical Mexican said...

I hadn't ever watched a "caucus" or whatever the right term is, but I agree this looked like an action or picking teams in elementary school. I was almost laughing, thinking, this is how we decide who is the best person to potentialy run our country. What a riot.

P.S.- After extensive "chad" training, I am hoping I can correctly punch my chad and not leave him hanging this year :)

Melody said...

Okay, seriously, how have you managed to re-do your blog yet again???? It looks fabulous, and I'm sooo ready for a re-do at my place!

Anyway, I missed the whole caucus thing myself, but you make me wish I'd actually seen it!

And your post about Zack going away made me hold on to my 12 year old just a bit tighter this morning! I'm afraid Zack will need to start his own blog so we can all keep up with him when he leaves!

Anonymous said...

Tracey, this is classic. I laughed until I cried. I didn't see it, but now wish I had. I guess that's better than crying when you consider the candidates we have. Calls for even more prayer!

Love you, Mom

Southern Heart said...

Tracey, that is too darn funny! it's definitely an, ummmm, unique process.

I didn't know that your son will be going to UCF. The fans we met were very nice, and they're team was definitely a good one, too!

Tonja said...

Right on sister!

And, your blog loks great!

Cherdecor said...

Tracey, you are such a HOOT! While I was watching the caucus, I thought, "This is stupid," but I didn't think much more than that. If you don't mind, I would like to link to your post. You really sized it up well!

When I open your blog, There are about three pages of technical words then as I scroll down, BEHOLD, there is your blog!

Cherdecor said...

Oops, sorry Tracey, I can't link to it because of all the technical words. That would confuse people and they wouldn't scroll down.

The only other option would be to copy and paste then give your URL. I'll try that when I get home from church.

Lyndy said...

That is just too funny. I have never watched the process before. What a hoot.

LivingTheLife said...

Too darn funny...your whole "badda bing...thanks folks...I'll be here all week" had me laughing almost as hard as your description of the whole Caucus selection process...duck, duck, goose...hmmmm...talk about satirical humor... That image really gets to my "funny bone"!!


Dianne said...

I don't care much for popcorn, but the candy corn comment made me giggle....

I didn't watch the caucus stuff, but the results did surprise me.

Anonymous said...

As a self-proclaimed politics junkie, I love this post. I have planned my evening around tonight's New Hampshire Primary. Am I a nerd or what???


LivingTheLife said...

One question for you today...DID you watch the NH caucus AND was it as entertaining as the Iowa Caucus??? OK, so that is 2 questions...but one sentence...run on that it may be!

I was only able to watch the end results...so I was hoping while watching it that you had seen the entire caucus! Acutally...I REALLY did think of you while watching it...any comments??? I am DYING to hear what you have to say...you have a definite quiet humor...it grabs you when you are least expecting it...I love that!!


Deedra said...

Oh my goodness, girl! That was priceless! And incredibly accurate!..lol

Justabeachkat said...

Okay, where are you?! Come out, come out, whereever you are.

I miss you.


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