She was the one to guide our family in the right direction. My father was constantly traveling and preaching, sometimes for several weeks at a time, which left her to raise the kids. And whether we were going on a family vacation or just across town, she always had to tell my Dad which way to go. She continued to demonstrate her exceptional navigational skills as she traveled the journey with my Dad to his final resting place where the Lord took the wheel and ushered him into heaven.
This past weekend we went to Atlanta as a 'last hoorah' before school started today. The guys were busy all weekend with Braves events, which left mom and I doing what we do best... shopping, eating, running errands, etc. Now, I lived in Atlanta from the time I was 10 until 7 years ago (age 33) when hubby moved us to Alabama. I tend to think I know my way around Atlanta, but with the growth and construction and never-ending roadwork, sometimes I find that things can change quickly.
Without fail, we would get in the car and my mom would take a turn on a road that I had no idea where we were headed. I would say something like, "but I thought we were going here..." to which she would reply, "I know" and that road would lead us to exactly where we were going--just not the direction I would have gone, but usually a quicker way to get there. I even told her, "Mom, you are QUEEN of the BACK ROADS!"
It got me thinking about how many times I've taken the driver's seat in my own life--knowing exactly where I want to go and choosing and directing my own paths. If I would only surrender that control to the Lord, He could take the driver's seat and lead me down a road that might have less 'traffic' or fewer obstacles. But I tend to want to take the wheel, especially if I think the route He is taking me is altering my destination--when in fact, the route He would take me would bring more blessing.
How about you? Do you have trouble taking the back seat?
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.
Lord, I pray that I would daily surrender the driver's seat of my life over to You.
15 sweet friends had to say...:
Oh, Tracey, it's a constant, every day challenge for me. I keep trying to remember something I heard recently, "If we knew what He knows, we would want what He wants."
I tagged you for a fun meme! :)
Thanks for sharing that. If we could just remember that going God's way would lead us to a more spacious place. He definitely knows the best ways for us to go.
That is SO good to remember! It reminds me of one of my favorite songs... "Jesus take the Wheel"!
I love that verse!
Thanks for sharing!
Angie xoxo
Oh girl! Ahuh!
I don't even need to sit in the passenger seat - I need to be in the back row! lol...
Great posting....
And you should've screamed at me that you would be here :) I would've come given you a siesta hug! Glad y'all had fun!
Tracey...what perfect timing for you to post this incredible anology! My sister is going through a bit of a trial waiting on test results for her husband, actually he's having the "trial" more than she is...I found your words so comforting and I am going to forward your site to her...thank you for the sweetest inspirations...by the way...I LIKE your mom! She sounds like one heck of a gal!
Oh!...and I kind of tagged you today...sorry if that's not a good thing...I'm new to this...so you may have already done this particular tag...guess, I can only use this "new to this" for a short while longer...
AND I see you and I both were awarded a very sweet award from that darling Kat..isn't she just the sweetest thing! I can't imagine sharing this award w/any sweeter person than yourself!
My son sounds like your Mom. He never gets lost. You can take him back to a town he hasn't been to in years and he can still tell you where to turn and what landmarks will be there. I think certain people just have that gift....no me. :-)
I try hard to let God be the driver, but sometimes I find myself holding the wheel again. It's a hard lesson for sure.
I think if we are honest we have to admit that we tend to "take over" far to often instead of being lead. The natural man is so strong!!!!
Preach it, Sister. I needed to hear that today! Thanks for the reminder!
Not me! I get lost in my own house!
Amen sista!! Jesus Take the Wheel is running through my mind right now...:))
Hi Tracey,
So glad you had some nice family time. Shopping and eating with mom sounds like a lot of fun. I miss the days when my Mother and I could do that.
Absolutely wonderful post. Far too many times, I try to take the wheel. It is a daily struggle to stay in the backseat.
Hope you are having a lovely day.
Hugs, Lyndy
I'm so trying NOT to grab the wheel right now!!! I posted a while back that I was waiting on God for something and that once He came through I would post about it and have a give-away over at my place. Well, time is wearing down, and I keep finding myself trying to figure it out for myself rather than waiting to see what He's going to do...aargh!!! It's tough being human, don't you think?
I do okay in situations where I think I have no control. The areas where I think I have some control I really struggle. I need to let Jesus take the wheel whether I'm lost or I think I know exactly where I am going. Thank you so much for your post.
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