
Road Trip!

I am so excited about going to UCF this weekend for their first game---and Zack's first game marching in a college band! I went by Cracker Barrel today after work and picked up two audio books to listen to on the way down and back (thanks Kat for that tip a while back and for my sweet award today!)...hopefully it will make the travel time go by faster.

Got my game tickets via Fed Ex and I'm ready to go! Lots of pictures when I return!

UCF let's goooooooooooo Knights!


Lazy Saturday...

Gary and I cleaned house (big time!) Thursday when we got home from work. We did this so we could just lay around and do nothing this weekend. We knew it was going to be a rainy weekend with "Fay" headed this we thought, how much better does it get than laying around on a Saturday while it rains all day.

Right now I'm sitting in the recliner with the laptop and he has an "Eagles" Concert DVD in so loud I can hardly think...but it's nice...each song he keeps saying is his "favorite". The rain is coming down and it's getting more windy.

Several of you mentioned that Zack looks older now! It was amazing to me to see how much he changed in just the 6 weeks he was away for summer term at UCF. He came back and seemed so much older and wiser! ;-) Plus, he has started wearing his glasses more---started when he had pink eye in both eyes and the Dr. ordered him to not wear his contacts for 10 days!

After summer term ended, Zack went to Las Vegas with my sister and niece for 4 days. It was their second time (they went last summer)...and they had a blast! However, Air Train lost his luggage.... It's been a nightmare of a story and we had to spend hundreds of dollars just before he went back to school replacing everything he had lost. Now we're in the process of filling out tons of paperwork and filing a claim with them! Ugh. Never again will we "check" a bag! Carry-on's only!

Zack has had band camp from 8a - 10p all this past week (including today). GREAT time for "Fay" to hit, huh? Zack said it's rained everyday since last Monday and they haven't been able to set drill on the field. I know the Band Director must be having a fit! The first game is a week from today---August 30th. I'm going!!! Woo-hoo! I'm so excited to see him marching with close to 350 kids! Big difference from high school band! He is having a blast! I'm planning to leave Friday when I get off work and come back Sunday (my birthday).

I'm trying to talk my sister and niece into going down with me for the weekend. Unfortunately, hubs can't go because of his duties at church. My niece plays Varsity Volleyball at her H.S. and just smacked her head real bad in last Thursday night's game diving for a ball---lost her vision for about a minute, which was real scary. My sister ended up having to take her to the E.R. Thursday night. She had a concussion and Dr. said she absolutely cannot play for the next week. Keep her in your prayers. She said today that she has a bad headache and neck pain. I hope she's going to be alright.

Well...gotta go....and do absolutely nothing! Kinda nice for a change...

Is Anyone Still Out There???

I have been a terrible excuses...I know we all are busy, so I'm not even going to try to run down my list of reasons why I haven't blogged!

We just got back from taking Zack back to UCF for the Fall. He was only home a little over a week, which went by way too quickly, and then we had to pack him back up and move him back. Unfortunately, since he was going to be living in a different dorm than he did in the summer, we had to completely move him out at the end of summer term. It's a good thing, though! His "dorm" for the school year is much nicer! It's a 4 bedroom, 4 bath, apartment style dorm, plus he has a full size bed instead of a twin bed and his room is larger.

We just got back late Monday evening and I've been doing better this time---I miss him terribly, but I haven't cried for a week straight like I did when we took him down for summer term. Plus, I've also been busy with work, so that helps. Unfortunately, we took him down there just in time for "Fay" to hit Florida. They actually closed the campus Monday evening at 8:00 p.m. for 24 hours---the kids didn't have to leave, they just closed the restaurants, stores and student union. So, I've been one worried mama with one eye on the weather channel and the other texting him to make sure he's ok!

Here are some pics from the I'll be back soon with a post on some "observations" from our trip. Love y'all!
(All pictures are clickable)
Getting ready to leave...

This picture doesn't do justice to how packed my car was!
Here we are! Tower II...
Almost done setting up...can you tell by the look on his face that he is REALLY wishing I would put the camera down!
Notice what we were watching on tv!
Yep, he has his very own bathroom!
Kitchen...this is NOT my idea of clean! This is how we found it when we arrived. It was left like this from the previous "tennant". It literally looked and smelled like someone had just cooked a meal in there.
Living Room/Dining Room
Tower II
View from the Tower II patio looking out towards the football stadium
1st floor patio area...
Tower II (taken from the stadium area)
Yes, I have a ton of pictures of the fountain in the center of campus! I just love it!
We have found a new way to go that only takes us 7 hours from our doorstep to his---we go across 84 East to 75 South...we pass thru some quaint little towns with some interesting things. Here is a picture from a little town called Whigham. Don't think I'll be attending that event! Only in South Georgia!!!
By the way, I'm on Facebook if you're on there...look me up at "Tracey Brennan Shields-Kirksey"
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