
An Emotional Week...

My heart has been so heavy lately and my mind has been so pre-occupied that I've not even considered sitting down and blogging. I was telling hubby that sometimes I feel like I need to "de-frag" my hard drive to make room for more info. because my processor is running slow! (A little techie humor at no extra charge!)

Let me back up since my last post and update you on what I've been up to. I've found it very unnerving that as I sat typing my last post at almost 4:30 in the morning, worrying over such trivial things, a mere 24 hours later, the world was going to change for one of our dear students.

Last Thursday, a little after 3:00 a.m., one of our sophomores awoke to what he thought was his alarm clock. It turned out to be the smoke alarm. His room was filled with black smoke as he quickly made his way down the hall to his mother's room where a locked door awaited him. He pounded on the door, screaming, trying to get to his mom. Finally he broke through the door, only to be pushed back by the heat and smoke. He made his way back down the hall and out the door where he banged on neighbors doors and screamed for help. No one would answer, so he stood in his front yard, throwing things through his mother's window and screaming. Finally, a neighbor came out to help him, but it was too late. His mother was found, along with their dog, in her bathroom.

Preliminary reports show it was an electrical fire that started between the wall of her bedroom and the living room. This child lost everything. His mom, his clothes, their house. His father is not in the picture and from what I understand, never has been. He has a sister who is a freshman at Univ. of Alabama and an older brother.

The first person he called, even before his grandparents, was our football coach. What struck me is that we haven't won alot of games this year, but this coach has won the hearts of our football players. He is a great example to them, and a father figure to some of them too. Isn't that the type of winning that matters most in life?

Our coach was going to forfeit this past Friday's game, but Jordan wanted to play. One day after his mom lost her life, he was on the football field, running over 230 yards with 29 carries, scoring several touchdowns, one being the winning touchdown of the game. Jordan dedicated the game to his mom. Coach said, "we had 12 players on the field that night. She was definitely looking after him."

Read more of the story (and see photos) by clicking here

You can also click this web site and watch a video with Jordan and our coach. It's about halfway down the page in the video box and you have to watch a few minutes of the sports report before they get to Jordan's interview.


I've also been thinking so much about my Dad. We're approaching the one year anniversary of his death (October 31st). In some ways, I can't believe a year has passed and in other ways, it seems like it's been a lifetime since I saw him last. Those sad feelings keep trying to creep their way to the surface, but I'm staying busy and forcing those thoughts and emotions into the corners of my mind for another time. I can't allow myself to go there. Not right now.

Mom is having flowers in memory of Dad this Sunday at her church. I know it's awful to say this, but I'm glad we're going to be out of town on college visits with Zack. I haven't been back to Mom's church since the funeral, and just don't think I could handle it right now. If you think about it, please say an extra prayer for my mom and all of our family during this difficult time.

I wanted to post this picture my mom found. I was being a little "ham" and I love the look on my Dad's face!

Also, please continue to remember Jordan and his siblings in your prayers. And if the Lord lays it on your heart to donate to the trust fund, you can email me and I can give you instructions on how to do that.
Thank you, sweet Kat, for my BFF award. The feelings are mutual and you picked the same chickies I would have picked! Thank you again, for the awards I've received in the last few weeks.
My mom drove to Birmingham for the Hoover Marching Invitational that our band attended this past Saturday. You can go here to read all about it! Here's a picture of me, mom and Zack after they performed and were back at the bus ready to change!

Well, I think that about catches up on what I've been doing the past week. Hopefully, I will post a report and pictures when we return from Zack's college visits.

13 sweet friends had to say...:

Dianne said...

Man Tracey, I hate that so much for the young man you mentioned...so young to be dealing with such a loss...and not only a loss, but a tragic loss. That's an awesome thing that he wanted to call his coach first..it really speaks volumes.

About your Dad, I've had you on my mind a lot lately because I know this anniversary date is next week. In many ways, it seems like it's not been any time at all. It is amazing how quickly time passes. I will definitely remember all of you. Please know I care and am here if you need to chat.

I'm glad you posted. I'm about to post for today and will be asking a question, the answer, for me, to which you get the credit.

Know that I care, my friend...and I am here ANYTIME! Hope to see you soon....

Jean said...

That is the saddest story. My heart just aches like crazy for that dear boy. Praise God for that coach.

I will remember you and your mom this week. That picture of you and your dad is PRECIOUS!! He must have been such a wonderful man, from all the things I've read about him on your previous posts.

And by the way, girl, you are lookin' GOOD!! That picture of the three of you is really, really nice.

Have a good time visiting colleges.

Justabeachkat said...


I've sure missed you girl! I had a sneaky feeling you were dealing with some things since you haven't been posting on your blog or commenting on ours much. Please, please know we all care and are here for you...in the good times and the bad. We love ya!

It breaks my heart to read about Jordan. So sad.

I knew the anniversary of your Dad's death was coming up soon. I will definitely pray for you, your Mom and your family. That was a very sweet photo of the two of you. The one of you, Zac and your Mom is a great one too.

I hope we get a chance to see each other when you're here for the wedding.

Hugs and much love sweet friend,

Tonja said...

Tracey, I'm so sad you have a hurting heart. I know you miss your dad terribly. You are a wonderful testament to the life he lived. I know he is so proud of you and your family.

What a tragedy for this young man. My heart breaks for him. He is blessed to have good support around him to help him through.

Don't let these things steal your joy of these college trips with your family. This is a happy time even though at times it yanks on your heart strings.

I'll be praying for you in the coming days. I've been missing hearing from you through the blog, but I certainly understand. Hoping to spend some great time together in Nov.

Cheryl said...

I am in tears as I read you post today. I am so sorry for the loss this young boy is having to go through. The picture you posted shows the pain so clearly on his face. Glad to hear that his coach is such a caring person.

You look just like your dad! I could tell that was your dad without having to read it. I have lost my dad also and I know this is a very hard time for you.

You and your family will be in our prayers. God Bless!

Jill said...

Tracey, What a sad story about the young man. I just can't even imagine something so tragic and the amount of loss he's suffered. And, I will be thinking and praying for you and your whole family regarding your father. The 11th anniversary of my dad's passing was in August. He had Alzheimer's as well. 11 years!!!! I just can't believe that. My parents got divorced when I was 8 and he virtually was out of my life after that. He's been gone for more years than he was around in my life. So hard to deal with on many levels. I will be lifting you up in prayer.

LivingTheLife said...

My heart just broke when I read the story of Jordan and all that he has had to deal with...what a remarkable young man...I pray that he has comfort, guidance and a sense of stability in the coming weeks and months...I always hate it when I read something so tragic and for him to be kind of alone during this time is all the more heartwrenching...and sadly my mind goes to the holidays...I will continue to pray for Jordan and all who have been touched by this.

I will also be thinking and praying for you, your mom and siblings during the next several days ..I know it is a hard time for all of you. I have been through this also, with both of my parents (mom died in Sept. of 91...I can't believe it has been 16 years and dad died in Nov. 98')...I would like to think I had great words of wisdom for you...but I don't...everyone handles this in their own way...I pray that you feel God's unending love surrounding you during your times of grief...it's so hard...I know...but we are here for you...if you need anything...I'm an email away!


Melody said...

I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with all of these things. Please know that I am praying for you. I pray that your mourning will turn into dancing, and sadness to joy!

Love you, girl!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have said a prayer for you all as well as this young boy and his family.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

What a sad story about Jordan. It's wonderful that he has such a great coach and teammates to support him at this time.

Thoughts are with you as you approach the anniversary of your Dad's death.

MorningSong said...

Whoa!! That is awful!! Prayers going up over here!! I am just sick about that boy losing EVERYTHING! My heart is heavy! And you and your Mom!! Whew.

Blessings to you all!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

That puts life in perspective, doesn't it? So many times we think we need to post bright, cheerful, and interesting things. You have reminded us what blogging is all about.
We are a community within a bigger world.
Enjoy your trip, enjoy your family, and I hope you get to hook up with Kat @ the Beach! =D

Sandy said...

What a tragic story. I'm so sorry to read this. I know what an impact a coach can be! (my hubby is a Varsity soccer coach). One of my little BG's mommie died one year ago on 10/31 from breast cancer. Very sad ...

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