Life on FL's nature coast!
About Me

- Tracey
- Homosassa, Florida, United States
- The Lord has blessed us and we are so undeserving. We recently moved to Florida and feel like we are on an eternal vacation! We love our church, our family and friends, and are enjoying life on the nature coast. My husband is in the ministry and my son is a student at UCF. I am a fan of actions, not words. I despise racism. I think we should be the change we wish to see in others. My life verse is I Corinthians 15:58.
- Amy's Blog
- Antique Mommy
- Babbling Baggs
- Baby Bangs
- BeachKat
- Big Mama
- Blooming Where Planted
- Boo Mama
- Gatherings
- Glasses of Grace
- Gracious Southern Living
- Grasping for Objectivity
- Joy's Corner of the World
- kidscakesdisheslaundry
- L.P.M. Blog
- Lifeway Women - All Access
- Living the Life
- Lynne's Corner
- Musical Jean
- Nspired by Faith
- Ponderings of the Heart
- Puddins Pics
- Quinn Cummings Report
- Ragamuffinsoul
- Southern Heart
- Southern Hospitality
- Stuff Christians Like!
- The Jungle Hut
- The Preacher's Wife
- Travis Cottrell
- Tropical Mexican
- Violet Lady
- Wade's World
- Whistlestop Cafe
- Who Could Ask for Anything More
"B Club" Member!

Listening and Waiting...
Season of Change...

I'm back, but busy!!!
And here I sit...

I'm leaving early in the morning -- heading down to West Palm Beach for two weeks before reality sets in August 5th and I'm back to work. In preparation for my trip, I've been making a list of things to do. I'm a list maker. Making lists. Yep! That's one of my specialties. Making lists. Checking things off! But the problem is, I'm NOT checking things off!
You know how sometimes when you have so much to do, it's overwhelming and you sit not knowing where to start? That's me -- sitting here -- blogging, twittering, facebooking, and 'oh yeah, I wanted to look that up real quick' or 'shoot! I forgot to read that yesterday! let me catch up on her posts now!' or 'oops! There goes the dryer! I'll just turn it back on for about 15 more minutes to let the clothes fluff before I put them away!'
Sound familiar?
And then before I realize it, hours have slipped by and I've accomplished nothing! So, I'm off to finish the laundry, pack, run errands, and head to the chiropractor. But if in a little while you see me on facebook or twittering, or if I stop by and comment on your blog, shhhhhh! Pretend you didn't see me... and it will just be our little secret!
This weekend Gary's daughter, Blaire, came in town with her husband, Jon, and 8 month old son, Carter. Yes, that makes Gary a "Paw-Paw" and me, well, I'm a "MeMe"...cause you know I'm too young to be a granny!!! We had a wonderful weekend just loving on that baby and watching every little expression on his face and oooooing and ahhhhhing over every little jibber-jabber he made with his voice! So precious! They actually live in Georgia about 10 minutes from my mom, but we don't get to see them often enough. So, we were thrilled when they agreed to pack up half their house and head south!
Click this link for photos...
These next few days are crazy busy for me. I have several Dr.'s appts (just check-ups/chiropractor, etc.), laundry to do, groceries to purchase, packing, driving... ahhhh! I'm tired already! I'll be headed to West Palm Beach on Wednesday for my last two weeks of summer before I have to report to school on the 5th of August.
Where did the summer go?! Not gonna think about that now...just holding on to the notion of an endless summer! Wouldn't that be nice?!
How 'bout you? Can you stand the heat or do you prefer the winter?
GROUT: Ghastly to Great!!!
Some of you that are my friends on Facebook or Twitter have been following my kitchen grout dilema! Hubby and I decided to tile the kitchen about 6 years ago--neither one of us having ever tiled anything before, were like the blind leading the blind in Home Depot. For some unknown reason I chose a light sand colored grout (like the sand in the Gulf). Over the years, it has become dingy and stained and no amount of products, by themselves, or mixed by my experimentation in my homemade chemistry lab (also known as the kitchen), would work!
But Wednesday evening, the Twitter gods shined down on me and my Grout Angel, also known as Antique Mommy, sent me a message about a product called "Grout Renew" an All-in one colorant and sealer. So yesterday I ran right out, well, actually drove, cause here in South Alabama it was about 97 degrees with what felt like a heat index of 110, and I wouldn't have made it further than the end of my street before passing out, ummm...where was I? Oh yeah, I drove over to Home Depot and picked me up some magic in a bottle!
I chose a color called "Sandstone"...uh-oh! Not the sand color again! No, this one is a darker taupe color, like the sand on the east coast of Florida. Also picked up some little spongey things on a stick to paint with (also recommended by Antique Mommy), came home and got to work!
Four hours later I was finished and looking over my kitchen floor with the smugness of a Grout Colorant Expert! Ok, well, that's a little bit of a stretch. But I was really pleased with the results! It probably wouldn't have taken that long except I went back over a few places once I got the hang of it! ('Before' and 'After' pictures below for your viewing enjoyment!)
It just goes to show, out there in Cyberland, not only are there great friends to be made, but a wealth of information waiting to be discovered!

(c) Life on FL's nature coast!
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