
Listening and Waiting...

What a jam packed week we've had. We started in Alabama, went to Florida, then to Georgia, now we're back home in Alabama. We spent 3 days in Florida looking at rental homes, since we can't buy anything until our home sells. It seems we brought the rainy, dreary weather with us from Alabama, but at least the temps were warmer! We still haven't made a decision, as Gary says, "after a while, all the homes start to look alike!" but we have several options and we are just trusting the Lord for His guidance.

It's so easy to start what I like to call the "Panic Spiral of Doom" when we start thinking about everything that needs to get done in the next few weeks and all the decisions that have to be made. Gary and I are trying to avoid the "what if's" and just focus on taking the next step. Each day brings new challenges, but we have to take them as they come and just do that day what we can do--remember, we are not promised tomorrow, so why worry about it, right?!

If you're struggling with some decisions that need to be made, I challenge you to just be still and listen for the Lord's direction. He's waiting patiently for you to seek Him and He has promised to give you a firm place to stand! (Psalm 40)

11 sweet friends had to say...:

Tonja said...

Yes, I understand the feeling! Sometimes, you just have to 'do the next thing'...and don't think any further than that! sound happy, so that makes it all easier!

God bless! And, I am so happy you are blogging again!

Justabeachkat said...

You are absolutely right my sweet friend! There are times (like right now for me) when my plate is so full I don't even know where to start so I find myself "stuck". What works for me is the "Just Do It" idea. I make a list and just start on something...anything. Once I do that one thing, I mark it off my list and then go to another thing. It makes me feel better just to see something getting done. Believe me, between the Holidays and the upcoming wedding, I'm feeling some pressure. But, like you, I know God is in control and that's a BIG comfort. I know this is a scary/draining/exciting time for you and Gary, but you will get through it. No doubt about it! And so will I.


Jean said...

I missed this post!!!! Until now. Oh, how I hear you!! It's great to see how God worked some of the things out for us that would keep me awake at night last summer, but there are still more. I keep thinking, "I want to KNOW what's ahead." But life is never like that. We thought we did know what was ahead before Dick lost his job last year, so even when you think you know, you really don't. I guess that's just what faith is all about, isn't it? Little by little, I'm learning. I think God just loves it when we need to really trust Him.

Justabeachkat said...

Come back to blogging. I miss you!


Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hey, Tracey, good to see you around again. I followed you over from Kat's & see you have moved. I pray that you & your family are just where God wants you to be. Hugs!

Justabeachkat said...

Hey, are you coming back to blogging or not?! (Did you hear me stomp my foot?)

Miss you here.


A.B said...

ligtv izle

KateBannet said...

The ability to describe something convincingly will serve a writer well in any kind of essay situation. The most important thing to remember is that your job as writer is to show, not tell. If you say that the tree is beautiful, your readers are put on the defensive: "Wait a minute," they think. "We'll be the judge of that! Show us a beautiful tree and we'll believe." Do not rely, then, an adjectives that attempt to characterize a thing's attributes. Lovely, exciting, interesting – these are all useful adjectives in casual speech or when we're pointing to something that is lovely, etc., but in careful writing they don't do much for us; in fact, they sound hollow. More help with essays here .

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