Please pray...

Hi bloggy friends! I just wanted to tell you about a friend of mine that I worked with in Atlanta at the South Metro Baptist Association. His name is Novel and he and his wife, Martha, are among the sweetest people you will ever meet!

Right before Christmas, Novel found out he has prostate cancer. I've set up a blog and am doing updates to keep their friends and family informed---these two are friends with just about everyone in every Southern Baptist Church on the southside of town! And trust me, if you knew them, they would immediately become your friends too! There are no two people more warm and loving.

Please stop by and offer up your encouragement to them and "bookmark" their site so as to periodically check in on them and pray for them. I know it would be greatly appreciated!

In the Name of Love

Love is in the air! Can you believe it's already February? Valentine's Day is right around the corner! This year, because neither Gary nor I really need anything, plus [like everyone else] we are trying to "pinch pennies", I decided it would be fun to give each other gifts that correlate with each letter of our name...BUT here's the can only come from the dollar store!!! How funny is that?! You can find some really odd and interesting things at the dollar store!

Since my name has more letters than his, we agreed to spend $10 each. I think it will turn out to be pretty funny and I will definitely share our "findings"!

So, what are your plans?
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